Alejandra S. Owens

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Weekend Reads: Unplugging, 35 Things We Learned This Week & Bad Ass Women

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You guys, I'm heading to the beach for a few days! It's basically all I've wanted for months now and all I've been thinking about all week! Of course, how much I unplug and just enjoy it is always a struggle. This little guide on how to unplug was the best advice I've read on the subject. Mostly because it didn't tell me to just "not check email" and "enjoy being present" or make me feel guilty for being super dedicated to work. I can't wait to look at the horizon, listen to the waves crashing and grill some food. Doesn't that sound nice? I think so!

“Congratulations on taking your age to the next level. I wanted to optimize this yearly touchpoint to encourage a paradigm shift in how you approach life going forward by enclosing a copy of The Likeability Factor.” Take your good wishes to level.

The Day I Left My Son In The Car. A heartbreaking read of a whole other variety. Make the time for it.

30 things I've learned. #11, sadly, is so true.

Marvel comics made some huge announcements this week! Thor is a woman and Captain America is black!

"I have been in relationships where a man has disrespected me, and I don't need to be friends with that man anymore. I don't want to be the one going, 'I'm cool, because I'm friends with all my exes.' There's a reason why you're called an ex. I crossed you off my list. Moving on. You cross a line, you need to know that you're going to walk this earth knowing that there's an individual who has no respect for you." Zoe Saldana is such a bad ass.

I'm thinking of updating all my social media bios. This little guide is leading my way.

5 business lessonsCindy Gallop learned from starting a porn* site. (*it's not a porn site) (Don't let the sexiness dissuade you - read read read it!)

"The most important advice I would still give — and it may seem crazy because I did lose this job I really loved — you have to be an authentic person." Jill Abramson is also such a bad ass!

The next time someone complains about Buzzfeed being shameless clickbait of zero substance say this: “BuzzFeed headlines pay off particularly well because they actually make fairly small promises and then overdeliver." Then tell them the real problem with click bait.

Kara Swisher is the gal who brings you all that juicy news about Yahoo! and Google and Marissa Mayer and Sergey Brin. This New York Magazine profile of her is a fabulous look at the woman is both feared and the person you want to tell everything to.

Tim Howard, star of the US Men's National Team at the World Cup is hot hot hot on the cover of Ad Week!

Talk about songs I've had on repeat lately...this Nico & Vinz song, Am I Wrong, is playing all. The. Time. I think it's the song of summer 2014, but we all know I can be a questionable judge of music. Have a great weekend, friends!

Photo Source: Danielle Laporte